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how to make grilled eggplant

Grilled Eggplant Recipe

Grilled eggplant recipe is a simple yet quite complicated dish recipe that brings out the best in this versatile eggplant vegetable. With a few ingredients and straightforward steps, you can transform eggplant into a delicious, smoky, and tender side dish or a main dish that’s perfect for any occasion.

Grilled eggplant is a popular vegetarian dish where slices of eggplant are brushed with oil and seasonings, then cooked on a grill. This method enhances the vegetable’s natural flavors, giving it a smoky taste and tender texture. It’s often served as a side dish or incorporated into salads and sandwiches.

grilled eggplants on a plate and grilled eggplant recipe

This recipe post shows you exactly how to make grilled eggplant with ease.

Ingredients For Grilled Eggplant Recipe:

Below are the Ingredients used in grilled eggplant recipe:

  • 2 large eggplants: Choose firm, glossy eggplants with smooth skin.
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil: For brushing and adding flavor.
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced: Adds a punch of flavor.
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano: For a hint of herbiness.
  • Salt and pepper to taste: For seasoning.
  • Fresh lemon juice: To brighten up the dish before serving.
  • Chopped fresh parsley or basil: For a fresh garnish.
sliced eggplants in bowl along with grilled eggplant ingredients in small bowls

Serving Suggestions For Grilled Eggplant:

Grilled eggplant is incredibly versatile. Serve it as a standalone side dish, layer it into sandwiches for a meaty texture, or chop it up and add it to salads for a smoky element. It also pairs beautifully with grains like quinoa or couscous for a hearty, plant-based meal.

Servings: 4

Preparation Time for Grilled Eggplant: 10 minutes

Cook Time for Grilled Eggplant Recipe: 10 minutes

Total Time for Grilled Eggplant: 20 minutes

eggplant on a table

Step by Step Instructions for Grilled Eggplant Recipe:

Below are the Step by Step Instructions for Grilled Eggplant Recipe:

  1. Prepare the Eggplants: Start by washing the eggplants and cutting them into 1/2 inch thick rounds. Leaving the skin on not only adds nutrients and texture but also helps the slices hold together better on the grill.
  2. Marinate: In a small bowl, mix the olive oil, minced garlic, oregano, salt, and pepper. This marinade is simple yet full of flavors that complement the natural taste of eggplant. Brush both sides of each eggplant slice generously with the mixture.
  3. Grill: Preheat your grill to a medium-high setting. Place the eggplant slices on the grill and cook for about 5 minutes on each side. You’re looking for the eggplant to have pronounced grill marks and to be tender and creamy on the inside.
  4. Serve: Once off the grill, immediately drizzle the eggplant slices with fresh lemon juice and garnish with chopped parsley or basil. Lemon adds a tangy flavour to this dish,
washing eggplants in water

3 Helpful Tips for Perfect Grilled Eggplant:

Below are 3 Helpful Tips for Perfect Grilled Eggplant:

  • Salt Before Grilling: If you have time, lightly salt the eggplant slices and let them sit for about 30 minutes before grilling. This process helps draw out moisture, concentrating the flavors and improving texture.
  • Avoid Overcrowding: Grill the eggplant in batches if necessary to ensure each slice has enough space to cook evenly and get those perfect grill marks.
  • Watch Closely: Cooking times can vary based on the thickness of the slices and the temperature of your grill. Keep an eye on them to prevent burning.
grill with medium high setting

Different variations of grilled eggplant recipe:

Grilled eggplant dish have different recipe variations and adaptations. Here are a few variations to explore, each adding a unique twist to this simple yet delightful dish:

  1. Mediterranean Style: Marinate the eggplant slices in olive oil mixed with minced garlic, lemon zest, dried oregano, and thyme. After grilling, top with crumbled feta cheese, chopped kalamata olives, and fresh parsley. Serve alongside grilled pita bread for a Mediterranean-inspired treat.
  2. Asian Fusion: Brush the eggplant with a glaze made from soy sauce, honey, minced ginger, and a dash of sesame oil. Grill until caramelized. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and sliced green onions before serving. This version pairs beautifully with rice or as part of an Asian-themed BBQ.
  3. Italian Charm: Coat the eggplant slices in pesto before grilling. Once done, layer them with slices of fresh mozzarella and tomato, then drizzle with balsamic glaze and garnish with fresh basil leaves. This variation brings a Caprese salad vibe to the dish.
  4. Spicy Tex-Mex: Marinate the eggplant in a mixture of olive oil, lime juice, chili powder, cumin, and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Grill to perfection and serve with a dollop of guacamole and a sprinkle of cilantro. It’s a great side for any Tex-Mex meal.
  5. Middle Eastern Delight: Brush the eggplant with a mix of olive oil, za’atar, and garlic. After grilling, serve with a side of tahini sauce, a sprinkle of sumac, and garnish with pomegranate seeds for a burst of flavor and color.
  6. Indian Spice: Marinate eggplant slices in a blend of yogurt mixed with garam masala, turmeric, and coriander. Grill and then serve with a drizzle of mint-cilantro chutney for a refreshing and spicy dish.
  7. Simple and Savory: Sometimes, simplicity is key. Brush eggplant slices with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. After grilling, serve with a sprinkle of parmesan cheese and a squeeze of lemon juice for an easy, yet satisfying dish.

Here is one variation of easy to make grilled eggplant.

how to make grilled eggplant
how to make grilled eggplant

Grilled Eggplant Facts

Below are some of the facts regarding Grilled Eggplant:

OriginEggplant, also known as aubergine, originates from India and has been a staple in global cuisines, adapting well to various cooking methods, including grilling.
Nutritional ValueGrilled eggplant is low in calories but rich in fiber, vitamins B1 and B6, and potassium. It also contains nasunin, an antioxidant found in the skin that’s known for its brain health benefits.
Cooking BenefitsGrilling eggplant brings out its natural sweetness and smokiness, while also creating a pleasing texture that’s crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.
VersatilityGrilled eggplant can be enjoyed in numerous ways: as a standalone side dish, in sandwiches, salads, as a pizza topping, or incorporated into pasta dishes.
Preparation TipSalting eggplant slices before grilling can help draw out moisture, reduce bitterness, and improve texture.
Culinary PairingsEggplant pairs well with a variety of flavors, including garlic, tomatoes, basil, balsamic vinegar, and robust cheeses like feta and Parmesan.
Global PopularityFrom Italian Eggplant Parmesan to Middle Eastern Baba Ganoush, grilled eggplant is a key ingredient in many iconic dishes around the world.
SeasonalityWhile available year-round, eggplant is at its peak during late summer, making it a perfect choice for outdoor grilling in warm weather.
Grilled Eggplant Facts

Grilled eggplant is one of the examples of easy snack recipes which required less cooking time and less ingredients. With minimal ingredients and preparation, you can create a dish that’s both nutritious and full of flavor. This method highlights the eggplant’s natural deliciousness, making it a hit even among those who may be skeptical of vegetables especially children.This recipe is sure to become a favorite in your cooking arsenal.

Grilled Eggplant Recipe

Grilled Eggplant Recipe

Grilled eggplant is a popular vegetarian dish where slices of eggplant are brushed with oil and seasonings, then cooked on a grill. This method enhances the vegetable's natural flavors, giving it a smoky taste and tender texture. It's often served as a side dish or incorporated into salads and sandwiches.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Snack
Cuisine American
Servings 3 people
Calories 267 kcal


  • 1 steel knife
  • 1 glass bowl


  • 2 large eggplants: Choose firm glossy eggplants with smooth skin.
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil: For brushing and adding flavor.
  • 2 cloves garlic minced: Adds a punch of flavor.
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano: For a hint of herbiness.
  • Salt and pepper to taste: For seasoning.
  • 2 tsp Fresh lemon juice To brighten up the dish before serving.
  • Chopped fresh parsley or basil For a fresh garnish


  • Start by washing the eggplants and cutting them into 1/2 inch thick rounds.
    2 large eggplants: Choose firm
  • In a small bowl, mix the olive oil, minced garlic, oregano, salt, and pepper. Brush both sides of each eggplant slice generously with the mixture.
    1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil: For brushing and adding flavor., 2 cloves garlic, 1 teaspoon dried oregano: For a hint of herbiness., Salt and pepper to taste: For seasoning.
  • Preheat your grill to a medium-high setting. Place the eggplant slices on the grill and cook for about 5 minutes on each side.
  • Once off the grill, immediately drizzle the eggplant slices with fresh lemon juice and garnish with chopped parsley or basil.
    2 tsp Fresh lemon juice, Chopped fresh parsley or basil


eggplant on a table
Use large eggplants for this recipe
Keyword grilled eggplant recipe, how to make grilled eggplant

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  • Sathya

    I'm an experienced home cook and food enthusiast with a passion for exploring various dishes in the kitchen. My culinary journey has led me to experiment with a variety of recipes, from quick weeknight dinners to elaborate meals, all utilizing the convenience and nutritional benefits of easily available ingredients. With a knack for transforming simple ingredients into gourmet dishes, I aim to inspire others to embrace cooking at home.

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